Hadith of Imam Hussain(1
پنجشنبه, ۲۱ فروردين ۱۳۹۳، ۰۵:۱۰ ب.ظ
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First Hadith : privacy cleaner .
Shit Prophet ( PBUH ) A: ... and hey Athar Bekaa Vazmha dignity and Lehman Btha’ Aljnh earth .
The Prophet (Muhammad PBUH ) Hadiths also loud says:
Karbala cleanest on earth and in terms of respect for the greatest monument is the tomb of al- Karbala from Bsathay heaven.
Bihar al-Anwar , vol 98 , p 115 and full Alzyarat , pp. 264
Second Hadith : Land Rescue
Fireproof Messenger of Allah (Muhammad PBUH ) :
Barz dairy Yqbr Yqal Lha Karbala Hey Albqh metabolism Fyha Qbh Kant 's al s metabolism Noah PBUH Al Momenin Alzyn Amnva However Altvfan mischief .
Messenger of Allah ( PBUH) said : My son, Hussein is buried in the land of Karbala to say , that the Dome of Islam is preeminent and distinguished earth , as God is faithful companions of Prophet Noah , where he is saved from the flood .
Alzyarat complete , page 269 , Chapter 88 , H- 8
Third Hadith : Surrounded by Love
Fireproof Ali (pbuh ) : is this ... Msar lovers bas la la Ysbqhm I Qblhm Kahn Kahn Bdhm Ylhqhm me .
Imam Ali (pbuh ) was the day transits of Karbala and said :
Here is the altar of martyrs Mashhad lovers and martyrs martyrs who neither past nor future martyrs will not catch them . Edification , vol 6 , p 73 and Bihar , vol 98 , p 0.116
Fourth Hadith : Toilet Love
Fireproof Ali (pbuh ) : Vaha stain penetration Aytha Lyhshrn Mnk folk account Aside Ydkhlvn Aljnh
Commander of the Faithful (pbuh ) addressed the soil of Karbala, said: soil What a flavor ! The last day you rise up a people without accounts immediately go to heaven . Ibn Abi al-Hadid describes nahj , vol 4 , p 169
Tradition Five: Red Star Doom
Fireproof Ali ibn al-Husayn (pbuh ) : Land is Karbala Tz·hr Kippur Alqyamh Kalkvkb Vtnady Anna Adler and SM Land 's Almqdsh Altybh Almbarkh metabolism Tzmnt S. Alshhda Shabab from Aljnh .
Imam Sajjad (PBUH ) said: The land of Karbala , on the Day of Resurrection, and shines like a pearl stars called our God gives me the Holy Land , the land of the pure and holy martyrs leader and hero of the youth of Paradise was . Altf Literature , Vol 1 , p 236 , quoting full Alzyarat , p 268.
Tradition Six: Karbala Vbyt Jerusalem
Fireproof Abu Abdullah (PBUH ) : Alghazryh I Torbate Jerusalem .
Imam Sadiq (pbuh ) said : Karbala soil from Jerusalem . Alzyarat complete , Page 269 , Chapter 88 H , 0.7
Seventh Tradition : Ferrat and Karbala
Fireproof Abu Abd Allah : the land of Karbala Vma’ Forat First First Water Land and Jerusalem, God (Allah) ...
Imam Sadiq (pbuh ) said : The land of Karbala and the waters of the Euphrates , the land and the first blue Vshraft sanctity that God gave them . Bihar al-Anwar , vol 98 , p 109 and full Alzyarat , p 0.269
Tradition Eight: Karbala Prophets Kaaba.
Fireproof Abu Abdullah (PBUH ) Prophet licking mischief and A’la Ysalvn Alsmvat and earth that God (Allah) Yvzn Lhm mischief pilgrimage to al-Husayn (pbuh ) and the throngs Yrj Ffvj Ynzl .
Since their ascension . Mstdrk Alvsayl , vol 10 , p 244 , quoting full Alzyarat , p 111
Tradition Nine: Karbala , Mtaf Angels
Fireproof Abu Abdullah (PBUH ) : licking my property and mischief Alsmvat Ysalvn earth except that Allah Allah Yvzn Lhm mischief pilgrimage to al-Husayn (pbuh ) and the throngs Yrj Ffvj Ynzl .
Imam Sadiq (pbuh ) said : No angel in the heavens and the earth who would not unless God allows him to leave the shrine of Imam Hussein (PBUH ) to be converted , so that the angels Fujian Karbala Others come down and Fujian rise and the fall peak . Mstdrk Alvsayl , vol 10 , p 244 , quoting full Alzyarat , p 111
Tradition Ten: The Way to Heaven
Fireproof Abu Abdullah (pbuh ) grave site Hussein (pbuh ) Trh I Aljnh Tr .
Imam Sadiq (pbuh ) said : The position of the grave of Imam Hussain (pbuh ) is the gate of heaven doors . Alzyarat complete , Page 271 , Chapter 89 , H- 1
Tradition Eleven: Karbala shrine safe
Fireproof Abu Abdullah (PBUH ) : The God Atkhz Karbala Hrma Amna Mbarka previous school Ytkhz Hrma
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : verily, God blessed safe shrine in Karbala took place before the shrine of Mecca
Alzyarat complete , Page 267, Bihar , vol 98 , p 0.110
Tradition Twelve: continuous pilgrimage
Fireproof Sadiq (pbuh ) : Zvrva Karbala and La Tqtvh Fa’n No children anbiya Zmnth ...
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : If the Karbala shrine and continue to do it because of Karbala in the arms of his best sons of the prophets is taken . Alzyarat complete , pg 269
Hadith XIII : Mubarak court
Fireproof Sadiq (pbuh ) : " Shaty paced Alvady Alaymn " frame mentioned Alzy God mischief al , ( * ) Hu Forat and " Albqh Almbarkh " Hey Karbala.
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : The " Valley Bank " Safety is the God of the Koran Yadkrdh Euphrates and " the blessing of the court " in Karbala . *. Holy Quran , Surah 30 , verse stories of Bihar al-Anwar , vol 57 , p 203 , as quoted edification
Hadith XIV : Enthusiasm pilgrimage
Alamam fireproof Baqir (pbuh ) : Al Naas le Ylm we visit the tomb mischief Hussein (PBUH ) I Alfzl , Lmatva Shvqa
Imam Baqir (pbuh ) said : If the people knew what the virtuous shrine of Imam Hussein (pbuh ) would die of joy pilgrimage . Reward cards , page 319 , quoting full Alzyarat .
Hadith XV : Hajj accepted and preferred
Fireproof Abu Ja'far (PBUH ) : visit the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH Alshhda graves and shrines , and pilgrimage to the grave of al-Husayn ibn Ali al Tdl Lyhma Farewell Mbrvrh Yet Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) .
Imam Baqir, peace be upon him said: pilgrimage to the grave of the Prophet , " p " and visit the graves of the martyrs , and the shrine of Imam Hussein is equivalent to Hajj with the Prophet accepted that " p " is fulfilled . Mstdrk Alvsayl , vol 1, p 266 Nyzkaml Alzyarat , p 156
Hadith XVI : The New Birth
Shit Hmran A: Zrt grave of al-Husayn (pbuh ) , Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Ali Flma dating Ja’ny (pbuh ) .... Fqal (pbuh ) or Hmran Abshr Fmn graves Martyrs Al Zar Muhammad Ali Bzlk marriage Nbyh consider fault I Kyvm Znvbh Vldth Program . When he says Hmran pilgrimage to Imam Hussein (AS ) returned , Imam Baqir (pbuh ) came to visit and said :
A Hmran ! I give you good news that everyone graves of martyrs Al- Mohammad ( pbuh ) will visit the Mradsh satisfaction of this closeness to God and the Prophet , and the sins that comes out the day of her birth mother . ML Shaykh Tusi , vol 2, page 28 , published in Najaf, Bihar , vol 98 , p 20
Seventeenth Tradition : Pilgrimage innocent
Shit Abi Ja'far and Abi Abdullah ( Lyhma PBUH ) Yqvlan : I'm having it assigned Ahb Ykvn Msknh and Mavah Aljnh , Fela Yd Almzlvm pilgrimage .
Imam Baqir and Imam Sadiq ( AS ) is quoted as saying : Everyone who will be in heaven Mavaysh housing and pilgrimage occurs (pbuh ) did not leave . Mstdrk Alvsayl , vol 10 , p 0.253
Eighteenth Hadith : martyrdom and pilgrimage
Alamam fireproof Sadiq (pbuh ) grave Zvrva Hussein (PBUH ) and Ahl al- Shabab S. La Tjfvh Fa’nh Aljnh I Vsyd Alkhlq Shabab Alshhda
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : The shrine of Imam Hussein (PBUH ) and make pilgrimages to leave Zyartsh Nvrzyd wronged him because she Youth Paradise SM Shahid is a youth -oriented people . Mstdrk Alvsayl vol 10 , p 256 , and complete , pg 109
Hadith th pilgrimage best practice
Fireproof Abu Abdullah (PBUH ) : pilgrimage to the grave of al-Husayn ibn Ali al- Lyhma me better than my Ykvn We cards .
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : pilgrimage to the grave of Imam Hussein (PBUH ) the best of starts will be Tvandanjam .
Mstdrk Alvsayl , vol 10 , p 0.311
Twentieth tradition : table light
Alamam fireproof Sadiq (pbuh ) : I totally Mvayd Eleanor Ann Ykvn Ali al-Husayn ibn Ali Kippur Alqyamh Flykn me Pilgrims ( Lyhma AS ) Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : Whoever loves the Last Day , should sit on the table light pilgrims of Imam Hussain (pbuh ) is. Means Shia , vol 10 , p 330 , Bihar al-Anwar , vol 98 , p 72.
Hadith twenty-first condition Honor
Fireproof Sadiq (pbuh ) : I Ykvn mischief Arad near the famous and near the shrine of Ali and Fatima Hussein PBUH Fela Yd . Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : One who wants to be in the neighborhood of the Prophet (PBUH ) in front of Ali (AS ) and Fatima is the shrine of Imam Hussain (AS ) did not leave . Means Shia , vol 10 , p 331 , H- 39
Twenty- second Hadith : pilgrimage , the divine obligation
Fireproof Abu Abdullah (PBUH ) : Lou Ann A. Lemma Yzr low Hajj Hussein Bin Ali sickle Sm (pbuh ) Lacan Tarka my facts right Prophet " p " right Lanzhou General Hussein Ali Fryzh My God Tly Vajbh granted.
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : If one of your whole life shut the hajj pilgrimage to Imam Hussein (pbuh ) did not visit the duty of the Messenger of Allah ( PBUH ) has left because the right Hussain (AS ) and the divine obligation it is incumbent upon every Muslim . Means Shia , vol 10 , p 333
Hadith Twenty- Three : Karbala perfection Kaaba.
Fireproof Abu Abdullah (pbuh ) : I Yat Lam grave Hussein (pbuh ) even quarterstaff Mntqs Ala’yman Mntqs Kahn -Din , Al Momenin Fyha A’n Adkhl Aljnh Don Kahn .
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : whoever pilgrimage to the grave of Imam Hussain (AS ) not to die defective faith and religion would be incomplete below believers go to heaven will be there . Means Shia , vol 10 , p 335
Twenty- Fourth tradition of pilgrimage to witness
Fireproof Abu Abdullah (PBUH ) : La Td pilgrimage to al-Husayn ibn Ali al- Lyhma and myrrh Shabk Bzlk Director Yazid 's mischief and mischief Mrk Rzqk and Yhyyk paced Syda and La Allah Ella Shhyda Tmvt .
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : Imam Hussein shrine , do not leave me and my friends and Yarant same order ! God to make your life long and the provision of high Rzqt and prosperous life and ask God to save you Shahid . Shia means , Ch 10 , p 335
Twenty- Fifth Hadith : Hadith of Love
Shit Abi Abdullah A: I love tilled mischief ridda Arad Allah Khair Al Hussein (pbuh ) Allah Alsv’ ridda Arad Vzyarth and I tilled hatred mischief Hussein (PBUH ) and Zyarth tears .
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : Anyone who loves God, he is wishing Hussain (AS ) and Zyartsh and throws him into the hearts of everyone that God is malevolent hatred he Vkhshm Hussain (AS ) and anger in his heart Zyartsh throws. Means Shia , vol 10 , p 388, Bihar al-Anwar , vol 98 , p 76
Hadith Twenty -Six : Logo of Shia
Fireproof Sadiq (pbuh ) : I Yat Lam grave Hussein (PBUH ) and even quarterstaff Fleece Ho Ho Yzm Henin Shyh Lena Lena Shyh and I'm from Ann Kahn from Aljnh Fhv I Zyfan Aljnh
Imam Sadiq (pbuh ) said : He who does not visit the tomb of Imam Husain and Shia is our impression that , however , and imagine if he dies, he is not the paradise Shia is the paradise of the guests . Alzyarat complete , p 193, Bihar al-Anwar , vol 98 , p 4
Twenty- Seventh Tradition platform Ascension
Fireproof -Sadiq ( peace be upon him ) : My future grave Hussein (pbuh ) Allah's mighty mischief Arfa Bhqh Ktbh perfecting Elieen
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : whoever pilgrimage to the tomb of Hussein (as ) and the Prophet 's knowledge is to achieve the highest degree of Almighty God , he 's supreme record . , I Yhzrh Alfqyh la , c 2 , 581
Hadith Twenty Eight: School of Knowledge
Fireproof Abu al-Hasan Musa ibn Ja'far (PBUH )
Our undermost Ysab pilgrims Abi Abdullah (pbuh ) practiced tricks and Hrmth Bsht inasmuch Euphrates and its Vlayth Yghfr I Znbh our priority , and we crushed Takhz .
Hazrat Imam Musa Kazim (PBUH ) said : The least reward the pilgrims of Imam Hussein (PBUH ) , on the shore of the Euphrates is shown that all sins will be forgiven Mvkhrsh front . Provided that the rights and dignity is known for his guardianship . Mstdrk Alvsayl , vol 10 , p 236 , quoting full Alzyarat , p 138
Hadith Twenty -Nine : Like a pilgrimage to God
Fireproof Alamam Reza (PBUH ) grave field I Hussein (AS ) Bsht Forat Kahn 's lamentable Kmn
Imam Reza (PBUH ) said : Who the grave of Imam Hussain (pbuh ) will visit the shores of the Euphrates , like someone
God has made the pilgrimage . Mstdrk Alvsayl , vol 10 , p 250 , quoted in full
Thirty Hadith : Ziarat Ashura
Fireproof Sadiq (pbuh ) : i prairie Hussein (pbuh ) Ashura Kippur Vjbt crushed Aljnh
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : Anyone who Imam Hussein (as ) on the day of the pilgrimage Ashvar paradise is obligatory upon him . Iqbal Business , page 568
Thirty -first tradition : the higher the Rvspydy
Fireproof Abu Abdullah (pbuh ) : I'm Bob Nd grave Hussein (pbuh ) Allah Kippur Alqyamh Mltkha Layla Ashura backlash comes mischief community Kanma murder scene of Karbala
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : He who Ashura night alongside the shrine of Imam Hussain (pbuh ) be God came in unto the day is the magic that is blood stained , like someone alongside Imam Hussein was killed in Karbala and field be. Means Shia , vol 10 , p 372
Thirty Tradition II : Mark of Faith
Abu Muhammad al-Hasan al-Askari fireproof (pbuh ) : Al-Momani signs Khums : Alkhmsyn Salat and Ziarat Alarbyn , and Altkhtm Alymyn mischief , and Tfyr Aljbyn and Aljhr Bbsm Allah the Merciful .
Imam Hasan Askari (pbuh ) said : A believer signs five things: 1 Pnjahganh prayers ( * ) 2 Arbaeen pilgrimage to the right hand ring 3 4 5 Name of God to prostrate on the ground up to say . Means Shia , vol 10 , p 373 and Althzyb , vol 6, p 52
Hadith Thirty-Three : Porch Landscape Assistant
Fireproof Prophet Muhammad (PBUH ) : Ella and Ann Alajabh under Qbth and Alshfa’ Trbth mischief , and Alaymh (PBUH ) I Vldh
Messenger of Allah ( PBUH) said : Allah granted the prayer and healing on her shrine, the Dome of the Torbate him, and the Imam (as ) from his sons . Mstdrk Alvsayl , vol 10 , p 335
Hadith Thirty-Four : Torbate and training
Fireproof Sadiq (pbuh ) : Hnkva Avladkm Btrbh Hussein (AS ) Fanha safe
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : palate children with Torbate Hussein (as ) Karbala remove because the soil insures children .
Means Shia , vol 10 , p 410
Hadith thirty five biggest drug
Fireproof Abu Abdullah (pbuh ) grave mischief Tyn Hussein (PBUH ) and Ho Da’ Alshfa’ my whole Aldva’ Alakbr
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : The cure for all diseases Torbate grave of Hussein (as ) and the same is the greatest medicine .
Full Alzyarat , pp. 275 and other Shia , vol 10 , p 410
Thirty-Six Hadith : Torbate seven veils
Fireproof Sadiq (pbuh ) : Alsjvd Torbate Ali Hussein (pbuh ) Ykhrq Alsb Alhjb .
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : Sermon on Torbate Hussein (as ) will break the seven veils . Misbah Altmhjd , page 511, and Bihar al-Anwar , vol 98 , p 135
Thirty -seventh Hadith , prostrate on Torbate Love
Kahn al-Sadiq (AS ) La Ysjd Ella Torbate Hussein (AS ) Tzlla grinder and Sktanh far . Tradition of Imam Sadiq ( AS ) that included : only on Torbate Hussein and do not bow to any other soil of humility and humbleness to the will of God . Shia means , vol 3 , p 0.608
Hadith Thirty-Eight : Rosary Torbate .
Fireproof Sadiq (AS ) : Ali Tyn grave Alsjvd Hussein (AS ) Ynvr Alsabh between earth and I Samia Kahn Sbhh my grave Tyn Hussein (AS ) and the lemma Msbha books Ysbh price ...
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : Torbate prostrate on the grave of Hussain ( AS), the seventh planet of light rain and soil who rosary shrine of Hussain (AS ) had with him , the hymn is considered, the What should not say the Rosary together . I Layhzrh Alfqyh , vol 1 , p 268 items Shia , vol 3, p 608
Hadith Thirty-Nine : Torbate healing
Shit Musa ibn Ja'far (PBUH ) A: La Takhzva I Shyya Torbate Ltbrkva van of Hussein ibn Ali Lyhma serious Torbate Ella Mhrmh Torbate Lena Van allah al mighty Jlha Lshytna and Vlyayna healing .
Imam Kazim (AS ) was also anecdotal news of his death , he said something I do not remove soil from the grave to seek blessings because it Khvdrn any soil except Torbate ancestor Hussein (PBUH ) has forbidden us , God Almighty only Torbate Karbala for the Shia and our friends have been healed . Alahadys comprehensive Shia , vol 12 , p 0.533
Forty Hadith : One of the four required
Alamam fireproof Musa al Khadim (AS ) : La Tstghny Shytna shit Rb : Khmrh Ysly PBUH and Ytkhtm to seal and Sevak and Sbhh Ystak to my grave Tyn ... Imam Abi Abdullah Imam Musa ibn Ja'far (PBUH ) said :
We are in no need of following four things :
1 on which a prayer is recited prayers . 2 ring on the finger .
3 toothbrush to brush your teeth with it . 4 rosary shrine from soil
Imam Hussain (AS ) .... refinement Ahkam , Vol 6 , Page 75
Shit Prophet ( PBUH ) A: ... and hey Athar Bekaa Vazmha dignity and Lehman Btha’ Aljnh earth .
The Prophet (Muhammad PBUH ) Hadiths also loud says:
Karbala cleanest on earth and in terms of respect for the greatest monument is the tomb of al- Karbala from Bsathay heaven.
Bihar al-Anwar , vol 98 , p 115 and full Alzyarat , pp. 264
Second Hadith : Land Rescue
Fireproof Messenger of Allah (Muhammad PBUH ) :
Barz dairy Yqbr Yqal Lha Karbala Hey Albqh metabolism Fyha Qbh Kant 's al s metabolism Noah PBUH Al Momenin Alzyn Amnva However Altvfan mischief .
Messenger of Allah ( PBUH) said : My son, Hussein is buried in the land of Karbala to say , that the Dome of Islam is preeminent and distinguished earth , as God is faithful companions of Prophet Noah , where he is saved from the flood .
Alzyarat complete , page 269 , Chapter 88 , H- 8
Third Hadith : Surrounded by Love
Fireproof Ali (pbuh ) : is this ... Msar lovers bas la la Ysbqhm I Qblhm Kahn Kahn Bdhm Ylhqhm me .
Imam Ali (pbuh ) was the day transits of Karbala and said :
Here is the altar of martyrs Mashhad lovers and martyrs martyrs who neither past nor future martyrs will not catch them . Edification , vol 6 , p 73 and Bihar , vol 98 , p 0.116
Fourth Hadith : Toilet Love
Fireproof Ali (pbuh ) : Vaha stain penetration Aytha Lyhshrn Mnk folk account Aside Ydkhlvn Aljnh
Commander of the Faithful (pbuh ) addressed the soil of Karbala, said: soil What a flavor ! The last day you rise up a people without accounts immediately go to heaven . Ibn Abi al-Hadid describes nahj , vol 4 , p 169
Tradition Five: Red Star Doom
Fireproof Ali ibn al-Husayn (pbuh ) : Land is Karbala Tz·hr Kippur Alqyamh Kalkvkb Vtnady Anna Adler and SM Land 's Almqdsh Altybh Almbarkh metabolism Tzmnt S. Alshhda Shabab from Aljnh .
Imam Sajjad (PBUH ) said: The land of Karbala , on the Day of Resurrection, and shines like a pearl stars called our God gives me the Holy Land , the land of the pure and holy martyrs leader and hero of the youth of Paradise was . Altf Literature , Vol 1 , p 236 , quoting full Alzyarat , p 268.
Tradition Six: Karbala Vbyt Jerusalem
Fireproof Abu Abdullah (PBUH ) : Alghazryh I Torbate Jerusalem .
Imam Sadiq (pbuh ) said : Karbala soil from Jerusalem . Alzyarat complete , Page 269 , Chapter 88 H , 0.7
Seventh Tradition : Ferrat and Karbala
Fireproof Abu Abd Allah : the land of Karbala Vma’ Forat First First Water Land and Jerusalem, God (Allah) ...
Imam Sadiq (pbuh ) said : The land of Karbala and the waters of the Euphrates , the land and the first blue Vshraft sanctity that God gave them . Bihar al-Anwar , vol 98 , p 109 and full Alzyarat , p 0.269
Tradition Eight: Karbala Prophets Kaaba.
Fireproof Abu Abdullah (PBUH ) Prophet licking mischief and A’la Ysalvn Alsmvat and earth that God (Allah) Yvzn Lhm mischief pilgrimage to al-Husayn (pbuh ) and the throngs Yrj Ffvj Ynzl .
Since their ascension . Mstdrk Alvsayl , vol 10 , p 244 , quoting full Alzyarat , p 111
Tradition Nine: Karbala , Mtaf Angels
Fireproof Abu Abdullah (PBUH ) : licking my property and mischief Alsmvat Ysalvn earth except that Allah Allah Yvzn Lhm mischief pilgrimage to al-Husayn (pbuh ) and the throngs Yrj Ffvj Ynzl .
Imam Sadiq (pbuh ) said : No angel in the heavens and the earth who would not unless God allows him to leave the shrine of Imam Hussein (PBUH ) to be converted , so that the angels Fujian Karbala Others come down and Fujian rise and the fall peak . Mstdrk Alvsayl , vol 10 , p 244 , quoting full Alzyarat , p 111
Tradition Ten: The Way to Heaven
Fireproof Abu Abdullah (pbuh ) grave site Hussein (pbuh ) Trh I Aljnh Tr .
Imam Sadiq (pbuh ) said : The position of the grave of Imam Hussain (pbuh ) is the gate of heaven doors . Alzyarat complete , Page 271 , Chapter 89 , H- 1
Tradition Eleven: Karbala shrine safe
Fireproof Abu Abdullah (PBUH ) : The God Atkhz Karbala Hrma Amna Mbarka previous school Ytkhz Hrma
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : verily, God blessed safe shrine in Karbala took place before the shrine of Mecca
Alzyarat complete , Page 267, Bihar , vol 98 , p 0.110
Tradition Twelve: continuous pilgrimage
Fireproof Sadiq (pbuh ) : Zvrva Karbala and La Tqtvh Fa’n No children anbiya Zmnth ...
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : If the Karbala shrine and continue to do it because of Karbala in the arms of his best sons of the prophets is taken . Alzyarat complete , pg 269
Hadith XIII : Mubarak court
Fireproof Sadiq (pbuh ) : " Shaty paced Alvady Alaymn " frame mentioned Alzy God mischief al , ( * ) Hu Forat and " Albqh Almbarkh " Hey Karbala.
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : The " Valley Bank " Safety is the God of the Koran Yadkrdh Euphrates and " the blessing of the court " in Karbala . *. Holy Quran , Surah 30 , verse stories of Bihar al-Anwar , vol 57 , p 203 , as quoted edification
Hadith XIV : Enthusiasm pilgrimage
Alamam fireproof Baqir (pbuh ) : Al Naas le Ylm we visit the tomb mischief Hussein (PBUH ) I Alfzl , Lmatva Shvqa
Imam Baqir (pbuh ) said : If the people knew what the virtuous shrine of Imam Hussein (pbuh ) would die of joy pilgrimage . Reward cards , page 319 , quoting full Alzyarat .
Hadith XV : Hajj accepted and preferred
Fireproof Abu Ja'far (PBUH ) : visit the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH Alshhda graves and shrines , and pilgrimage to the grave of al-Husayn ibn Ali al Tdl Lyhma Farewell Mbrvrh Yet Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) .
Imam Baqir, peace be upon him said: pilgrimage to the grave of the Prophet , " p " and visit the graves of the martyrs , and the shrine of Imam Hussein is equivalent to Hajj with the Prophet accepted that " p " is fulfilled . Mstdrk Alvsayl , vol 1, p 266 Nyzkaml Alzyarat , p 156
Hadith XVI : The New Birth
Shit Hmran A: Zrt grave of al-Husayn (pbuh ) , Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Ali Flma dating Ja’ny (pbuh ) .... Fqal (pbuh ) or Hmran Abshr Fmn graves Martyrs Al Zar Muhammad Ali Bzlk marriage Nbyh consider fault I Kyvm Znvbh Vldth Program . When he says Hmran pilgrimage to Imam Hussein (AS ) returned , Imam Baqir (pbuh ) came to visit and said :
A Hmran ! I give you good news that everyone graves of martyrs Al- Mohammad ( pbuh ) will visit the Mradsh satisfaction of this closeness to God and the Prophet , and the sins that comes out the day of her birth mother . ML Shaykh Tusi , vol 2, page 28 , published in Najaf, Bihar , vol 98 , p 20
Seventeenth Tradition : Pilgrimage innocent
Shit Abi Ja'far and Abi Abdullah ( Lyhma PBUH ) Yqvlan : I'm having it assigned Ahb Ykvn Msknh and Mavah Aljnh , Fela Yd Almzlvm pilgrimage .
Imam Baqir and Imam Sadiq ( AS ) is quoted as saying : Everyone who will be in heaven Mavaysh housing and pilgrimage occurs (pbuh ) did not leave . Mstdrk Alvsayl , vol 10 , p 0.253
Eighteenth Hadith : martyrdom and pilgrimage
Alamam fireproof Sadiq (pbuh ) grave Zvrva Hussein (PBUH ) and Ahl al- Shabab S. La Tjfvh Fa’nh Aljnh I Vsyd Alkhlq Shabab Alshhda
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : The shrine of Imam Hussein (PBUH ) and make pilgrimages to leave Zyartsh Nvrzyd wronged him because she Youth Paradise SM Shahid is a youth -oriented people . Mstdrk Alvsayl vol 10 , p 256 , and complete , pg 109
Hadith th pilgrimage best practice
Fireproof Abu Abdullah (PBUH ) : pilgrimage to the grave of al-Husayn ibn Ali al- Lyhma me better than my Ykvn We cards .
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : pilgrimage to the grave of Imam Hussein (PBUH ) the best of starts will be Tvandanjam .
Mstdrk Alvsayl , vol 10 , p 0.311
Twentieth tradition : table light
Alamam fireproof Sadiq (pbuh ) : I totally Mvayd Eleanor Ann Ykvn Ali al-Husayn ibn Ali Kippur Alqyamh Flykn me Pilgrims ( Lyhma AS ) Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : Whoever loves the Last Day , should sit on the table light pilgrims of Imam Hussain (pbuh ) is. Means Shia , vol 10 , p 330 , Bihar al-Anwar , vol 98 , p 72.
Hadith twenty-first condition Honor
Fireproof Sadiq (pbuh ) : I Ykvn mischief Arad near the famous and near the shrine of Ali and Fatima Hussein PBUH Fela Yd . Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : One who wants to be in the neighborhood of the Prophet (PBUH ) in front of Ali (AS ) and Fatima is the shrine of Imam Hussain (AS ) did not leave . Means Shia , vol 10 , p 331 , H- 39
Twenty- second Hadith : pilgrimage , the divine obligation
Fireproof Abu Abdullah (PBUH ) : Lou Ann A. Lemma Yzr low Hajj Hussein Bin Ali sickle Sm (pbuh ) Lacan Tarka my facts right Prophet " p " right Lanzhou General Hussein Ali Fryzh My God Tly Vajbh granted.
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : If one of your whole life shut the hajj pilgrimage to Imam Hussein (pbuh ) did not visit the duty of the Messenger of Allah ( PBUH ) has left because the right Hussain (AS ) and the divine obligation it is incumbent upon every Muslim . Means Shia , vol 10 , p 333
Hadith Twenty- Three : Karbala perfection Kaaba.
Fireproof Abu Abdullah (pbuh ) : I Yat Lam grave Hussein (pbuh ) even quarterstaff Mntqs Ala’yman Mntqs Kahn -Din , Al Momenin Fyha A’n Adkhl Aljnh Don Kahn .
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : whoever pilgrimage to the grave of Imam Hussain (AS ) not to die defective faith and religion would be incomplete below believers go to heaven will be there . Means Shia , vol 10 , p 335
Twenty- Fourth tradition of pilgrimage to witness
Fireproof Abu Abdullah (PBUH ) : La Td pilgrimage to al-Husayn ibn Ali al- Lyhma and myrrh Shabk Bzlk Director Yazid 's mischief and mischief Mrk Rzqk and Yhyyk paced Syda and La Allah Ella Shhyda Tmvt .
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : Imam Hussein shrine , do not leave me and my friends and Yarant same order ! God to make your life long and the provision of high Rzqt and prosperous life and ask God to save you Shahid . Shia means , Ch 10 , p 335
Twenty- Fifth Hadith : Hadith of Love
Shit Abi Abdullah A: I love tilled mischief ridda Arad Allah Khair Al Hussein (pbuh ) Allah Alsv’ ridda Arad Vzyarth and I tilled hatred mischief Hussein (PBUH ) and Zyarth tears .
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : Anyone who loves God, he is wishing Hussain (AS ) and Zyartsh and throws him into the hearts of everyone that God is malevolent hatred he Vkhshm Hussain (AS ) and anger in his heart Zyartsh throws. Means Shia , vol 10 , p 388, Bihar al-Anwar , vol 98 , p 76
Hadith Twenty -Six : Logo of Shia
Fireproof Sadiq (pbuh ) : I Yat Lam grave Hussein (PBUH ) and even quarterstaff Fleece Ho Ho Yzm Henin Shyh Lena Lena Shyh and I'm from Ann Kahn from Aljnh Fhv I Zyfan Aljnh
Imam Sadiq (pbuh ) said : He who does not visit the tomb of Imam Husain and Shia is our impression that , however , and imagine if he dies, he is not the paradise Shia is the paradise of the guests . Alzyarat complete , p 193, Bihar al-Anwar , vol 98 , p 4
Twenty- Seventh Tradition platform Ascension
Fireproof -Sadiq ( peace be upon him ) : My future grave Hussein (pbuh ) Allah's mighty mischief Arfa Bhqh Ktbh perfecting Elieen
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : whoever pilgrimage to the tomb of Hussein (as ) and the Prophet 's knowledge is to achieve the highest degree of Almighty God , he 's supreme record . , I Yhzrh Alfqyh la , c 2 , 581
Hadith Twenty Eight: School of Knowledge
Fireproof Abu al-Hasan Musa ibn Ja'far (PBUH )
Our undermost Ysab pilgrims Abi Abdullah (pbuh ) practiced tricks and Hrmth Bsht inasmuch Euphrates and its Vlayth Yghfr I Znbh our priority , and we crushed Takhz .
Hazrat Imam Musa Kazim (PBUH ) said : The least reward the pilgrims of Imam Hussein (PBUH ) , on the shore of the Euphrates is shown that all sins will be forgiven Mvkhrsh front . Provided that the rights and dignity is known for his guardianship . Mstdrk Alvsayl , vol 10 , p 236 , quoting full Alzyarat , p 138
Hadith Twenty -Nine : Like a pilgrimage to God
Fireproof Alamam Reza (PBUH ) grave field I Hussein (AS ) Bsht Forat Kahn 's lamentable Kmn
Imam Reza (PBUH ) said : Who the grave of Imam Hussain (pbuh ) will visit the shores of the Euphrates , like someone
God has made the pilgrimage . Mstdrk Alvsayl , vol 10 , p 250 , quoted in full
Thirty Hadith : Ziarat Ashura
Fireproof Sadiq (pbuh ) : i prairie Hussein (pbuh ) Ashura Kippur Vjbt crushed Aljnh
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : Anyone who Imam Hussein (as ) on the day of the pilgrimage Ashvar paradise is obligatory upon him . Iqbal Business , page 568
Thirty -first tradition : the higher the Rvspydy
Fireproof Abu Abdullah (pbuh ) : I'm Bob Nd grave Hussein (pbuh ) Allah Kippur Alqyamh Mltkha Layla Ashura backlash comes mischief community Kanma murder scene of Karbala
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : He who Ashura night alongside the shrine of Imam Hussain (pbuh ) be God came in unto the day is the magic that is blood stained , like someone alongside Imam Hussein was killed in Karbala and field be. Means Shia , vol 10 , p 372
Thirty Tradition II : Mark of Faith
Abu Muhammad al-Hasan al-Askari fireproof (pbuh ) : Al-Momani signs Khums : Alkhmsyn Salat and Ziarat Alarbyn , and Altkhtm Alymyn mischief , and Tfyr Aljbyn and Aljhr Bbsm Allah the Merciful .
Imam Hasan Askari (pbuh ) said : A believer signs five things: 1 Pnjahganh prayers ( * ) 2 Arbaeen pilgrimage to the right hand ring 3 4 5 Name of God to prostrate on the ground up to say . Means Shia , vol 10 , p 373 and Althzyb , vol 6, p 52
Hadith Thirty-Three : Porch Landscape Assistant
Fireproof Prophet Muhammad (PBUH ) : Ella and Ann Alajabh under Qbth and Alshfa’ Trbth mischief , and Alaymh (PBUH ) I Vldh
Messenger of Allah ( PBUH) said : Allah granted the prayer and healing on her shrine, the Dome of the Torbate him, and the Imam (as ) from his sons . Mstdrk Alvsayl , vol 10 , p 335
Hadith Thirty-Four : Torbate and training
Fireproof Sadiq (pbuh ) : Hnkva Avladkm Btrbh Hussein (AS ) Fanha safe
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : palate children with Torbate Hussein (as ) Karbala remove because the soil insures children .
Means Shia , vol 10 , p 410
Hadith thirty five biggest drug
Fireproof Abu Abdullah (pbuh ) grave mischief Tyn Hussein (PBUH ) and Ho Da’ Alshfa’ my whole Aldva’ Alakbr
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : The cure for all diseases Torbate grave of Hussein (as ) and the same is the greatest medicine .
Full Alzyarat , pp. 275 and other Shia , vol 10 , p 410
Thirty-Six Hadith : Torbate seven veils
Fireproof Sadiq (pbuh ) : Alsjvd Torbate Ali Hussein (pbuh ) Ykhrq Alsb Alhjb .
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : Sermon on Torbate Hussein (as ) will break the seven veils . Misbah Altmhjd , page 511, and Bihar al-Anwar , vol 98 , p 135
Thirty -seventh Hadith , prostrate on Torbate Love
Kahn al-Sadiq (AS ) La Ysjd Ella Torbate Hussein (AS ) Tzlla grinder and Sktanh far . Tradition of Imam Sadiq ( AS ) that included : only on Torbate Hussein and do not bow to any other soil of humility and humbleness to the will of God . Shia means , vol 3 , p 0.608
Hadith Thirty-Eight : Rosary Torbate .
Fireproof Sadiq (AS ) : Ali Tyn grave Alsjvd Hussein (AS ) Ynvr Alsabh between earth and I Samia Kahn Sbhh my grave Tyn Hussein (AS ) and the lemma Msbha books Ysbh price ...
Imam Sadiq ( AS) said : Torbate prostrate on the grave of Hussain ( AS), the seventh planet of light rain and soil who rosary shrine of Hussain (AS ) had with him , the hymn is considered, the What should not say the Rosary together . I Layhzrh Alfqyh , vol 1 , p 268 items Shia , vol 3, p 608
Hadith Thirty-Nine : Torbate healing
Shit Musa ibn Ja'far (PBUH ) A: La Takhzva I Shyya Torbate Ltbrkva van of Hussein ibn Ali Lyhma serious Torbate Ella Mhrmh Torbate Lena Van allah al mighty Jlha Lshytna and Vlyayna healing .
Imam Kazim (AS ) was also anecdotal news of his death , he said something I do not remove soil from the grave to seek blessings because it Khvdrn any soil except Torbate ancestor Hussein (PBUH ) has forbidden us , God Almighty only Torbate Karbala for the Shia and our friends have been healed . Alahadys comprehensive Shia , vol 12 , p 0.533
Forty Hadith : One of the four required
Alamam fireproof Musa al Khadim (AS ) : La Tstghny Shytna shit Rb : Khmrh Ysly PBUH and Ytkhtm to seal and Sevak and Sbhh Ystak to my grave Tyn ... Imam Abi Abdullah Imam Musa ibn Ja'far (PBUH ) said :
We are in no need of following four things :
1 on which a prayer is recited prayers . 2 ring on the finger .
3 toothbrush to brush your teeth with it . 4 rosary shrine from soil
Imam Hussain (AS ) .... refinement Ahkam , Vol 6 , Page 75
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